Tuesday 25 January 2011

Hattie (BBC4)

Robert Bathurst was so good in this. I know he does a lot of theatre- though not enough in the West End- and he's always working in bits of TV and radio- he turned up in Downton Abbey as Lord Boring-middle-aged-suitor-to-ugly-sister (I think that was his character's name), but I've always thought he's so overlooked! Really he was phenomenally good as broken-hearted John le Mesurier in this BBC drama. He was the star of the show, I felt so awful for him, and almost instantly took back what I said as it started ("Rob's a bit miscast.") He was wonderfully tragic and charming.
He was the best of the Uptown Boys!! The most handsome!! And see! See!! He's the best actor too!!

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