Thursday 2 July 2009

Serena vs. Dementieva Semi-Final Wimbledon (BBC1)

Best match of the day!! Three hours long!! So exciting!! It was long enough for me to actually finally grasp the rules of tennis!! By the time Venus came along at the end to thrash the "World's Number One" in under an hour I was scoring better than ol' Hawkeye the umpire (embarrassing match for that munterific Russian).
Yes, this was an amazing tennis match. Serena Williams was fabulous! Dementia(va- the commentators seemed ironically to forget this syllable of her name) was amazingly good, like a cold calculating machine! All pointed and intense, her muscles wirey and gross! And Serena was like Wonder Woman!! Beautiful and feminine- though still huge, strong and able to crush you like a bug!! Argh! I want her! And hearing her [and Venus] speak after their wins, well, those girls are just lovely! Americans know all the right things to say don't they? It's because they are taught public speaking at school over there, they always compliment the other players and they're so humble and charming!! If it was a Scot winning he'd be all like: "Well, the best man won, ps I've never read a fuckin' book!" ( Ha! I don't know really, I'm not swept up in Murray-fever, I don't watch the mens matches- yawn, but I did read in the Radio Times Andy Murray gloating that he's never read a book. What a fucking role model, eh kids?)

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